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Shadchanim in the United States and Canada

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Numbers in the ☆ column indicate how many singles have recommended each Shadchan.

Name Location Speciality Fees
4 Mrs. Chana Alperowics Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Helping set up people
85 Mrs. Rivkah Leah Bernath chicago, Illinois, U.S. coaching, shadchan
373 Mrs. Shandel Malka Blasberg Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Personal Approach to Intl. Shidduchim
3 Mrs. Baila Brackman Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
136 Mrs. Rochel Bryski Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Shidduchim with chabad singles
65 Mrs. Chaya C. Cohen Brooklyn, New York, U.S. I have a passion to match Kohanim.
84 Mrs. Yehudis Cohen Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Machon L'Yahadus
47 Rabbi Chaim Dalfin Brooklyn, New York, U.S. all people, lubavitch and not
32 Rabbi Dovid Dick Morristown, New Jersey, U.S. Being able to speak to both of the people.
3 Mrs. Tzippy Dukes Chicago, Illinois, U.S. My specialty is coaching couples through the dating process
33 Mrs. yehudis eagle Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. Networking
18 Rebbetzin Nechama Eilfort Carlsbad, California, U.S. Out of the box singles and divorced people
16 Rebbetzin Chaya Eliav Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
66 Mrs. Fraida Estrin Pittsburgh, PA, U.S. Children of Lubavitch BTs + others
84 Mrs. Elka Ezagui Crown Heights, New York, U.S.
14 Mrs. Rivky Fellig U.S.
97 Mrs. Gitel Chaya Fogel Brooklyn, New York, U.S. General Chabad Shidduchim
25 Mrs. Mashi greenberg brooklyn, New York, U.S. lot of personal attention and coaching
46 Rabbi Gershon Grossbaum S. Paul, MN, U.S. Many successful shidduchim
24 Mrs. Ayala Hoch Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. I’m good at researching people thoroughly
47 Dr. Chana Miriam Huebner Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. Specializing in Coaching for Shadchanim
47 Rabbi Yeheskel & Pearl Lebovic Montreal, Quebec, Canada Likrat Shiduch Matchmaking Service 30 years
23 Mrs. Sheindel Levertov Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Only Chabad Singles
19 Mrs. Shoshana Lifshitz Cincinanti, U.S.
79 Mrs. Miriam Lipchik Brooklyn, NY, U.S. shiduchim for baalei teshuva
31 Mrs. Faige Lobel Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
50 Mrs. Yael Michelashvili Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
32 Mrs. Yocheved Miller Airmont, New York, U.S. Lubavitchers of all ages
Mr. Noach Pawliger Marietta, Georgia, U.S. Listening carefully to each person
31 Mr. Noach Pawliger Marietta, Georgia, U.S. Gezhe, BT, Friends of Chabad, Shluchim
67 Dr. Elka Pinson Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Shidduch Coach/Relationship Counseling
85 Mrs. Chani Raksin Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Many shiduchim-personalized service. email
25 Mrs. Chava Richler Brooklyn NY, New York, U.S.
27 Mrs. sara leah rubinstein brooklyn, New York, U.S. Coaching. Matching. Special Needs
21 Mrs. Tovah Schild Spring Valley, New York, U.S. Personal attention and coaching
2 Mrs. Chaya Mushka Shaul Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York, U.S. English and Spanish and Hebrew
17 Chana Shloush Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Chabad English-speaking singles
86 Mrs. Sara Shollar Brooklyn, New York, U.S. 25+ years experience
77 Mrs. Rochel Smoller San Diego, CA, U.S.
57 Mrs. Rivkah Torenheim Crown Heights Brooklyn, New York, U.S. FFB and BT of all ages
7 Rabbi Yaakov Wagner Morristown, U.S.
3 Rabbi Shlomo Wernick Miami, Florida, U.S. Shadchan, life coach, and choson teacher.
Chava Witkes Brooklyn, New York, U.S. 25+
3 Mrs. Sarah Yarmush Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
Mr. Michael Yaroslavsky Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
9 Mrs. Laurie Young Mercer Island, Washington, U.S. Out of towners
68 Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Many Shidduchim

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